Blue Skills Education, Learning and Mobilisation Activities Make Waves in Local Communities

What are blue skills education, learning and mobilisation activities?

The Blue Skills education, learning and mobilisation activities implemented by the SHORE partners are actively supporting school projects, fostering ocean literacy, and empowering students to become agents of change. Education and community engagement are key to creating a more sustainable future for our oceans.

Through a dynamic program of community activities, these are raising public awareness and engagement with our blue planet. From beach cleanups to interactive workshops, the activities are creating fun and bring people together, by fostering a sense of shared responsibility for our oceans. These activities empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to make a difference.

Promoting Ocean Literacy with SHORE

Public events such as workshops, seminars, exhibitions, and Mission Ocean & Water Nights were organised throughout the SHORE project to further promote ocean literacy.

A total of 53 events were conducted across all participating countries through our Country Hubs (Austria, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, and Türkiye) during the first year of SHORE.

We reached a wide audience through a diverse program of events, delivered both in-person and online. This dynamic approach fostered a strong sense of community and facilitated widespread participation, engaging approximately 5,500 individuals across all participating countries.

These unique opportunities allowed attendees to dive deep into the world of marine research, discover the real-world applications of ocean science, and learn about the latest developments in environmental conservation. Through engaging presentations and lively discussions, participants gained valuable insights into the fascinating work of ocean scientists. They explored cutting-edge research, discovered the interconnectedness of marine systems, and learned about the vital role that science plays in protecting our oceans.

These events were fantastic opportunities for the community to connect with other experts, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our blue planet. They also highlighted the importance of collaboration between scientists, communities, and educators in creating a more sustainable future for our oceans.

To find out more about these activities, we invite you to read our ‘First Regional Hub report of yearly activity’. You can find all of our deliverables on this page.