“Earth, fire, wind, water! From your combined powers I appear … Captain Planet!”. People who grew up in the 90’s are certainly very familiar with this quote. Now it’s time to remind it to the younger ones as well! Therefore, during the Pomeranian Researchers’ Night 2024 we will introduce you to these four elements. We will look at them from a broad perspective – because fire is also heat and energy, water is also what lives in it, air is related to climate change, and earth is not only soils and rocks, but also fossils and living organisms. Each of these topics will be addressed during workshops, demonstrations and lectures. Ahead of you is five hours filled with scientific attractions – see you on 27 September at 18:00 in Experyment Science Centre in Gdynia.
WSB University and SHORE’s Polish Country Hub, together with “Today we Have”, invite you to SHORE space during Pomeranian Researchers’ Night 2024. You can find us in the WATER Exhibition part.
If you want to know how ocean acidification affects marine organisms and their shells, visit our SHORE booth, meet our ocean literacy experts, and join our experiments.
More information: https://experyment.gdynia.pl/wydarzenia/pomorska-noc-naukowcow-2024-kapitan-planeta/