SHORE’s 2nd Open Call: Evaluation is finalised!

The evaluation of the second SHORE Open Call is now concluded.

30 schools blue projects have been selected to expand and broaden ocean and water literacy from an impressive pool of 181 applications.

Run by schools from 7 countries (Austria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Türkiye) the selected proposals represent a diverse range of activities across five crucial themes: Marine activities, Biodiversity, Hazardous substances and marine litter, Climate change, and Sustainable use of water resources.

Out of the selected schools, 9 are already accredited members of the Network of European Blue Schools (NEBS), while 21 made the commitment to join the network by the end of their blue project. SHORE is very glad to be bringing these 21 new schools to the network!

The selected schools now have a few weeks to sign their sub-grant agreement. These initiatives which embody SHORE’s mission to empower students as agents of change will then start in February and run for up to 6 months.

Stay tuned! The names of the schools will be publicly revealed soon.

Together, let’s make waves for a ‘bluer’ education!