Grants for schools

Submit your blue school project and receive funding

Grants for schools

Submit your blue school project and receive funding

SHORE Open Call #2 is closed.

Up to 10 000€
18 September – 20 November 2024, 17:00 (CET)
45 blue projects


SHORE Open Calls aim to enhance the ocean literacy of primary and secondary students, educators, and schools, by empowering youth to become agents of change and

  • Mobilise students, teachers and other actors from the school ecosystem and the local community to co-design, co-develop and co-implement projects that can contribute to expand and broaden youth’s ocean & water literacy in a life-long run

  • Support educators in developing and utilising new and innovative teaching and learning resources based on Open Schooling methodologies and Blue Skills Curricula


Serving as Country Hubs and regional experts SHORE project partners will mentor and guide the schools and students, about successful Blue Skills Curricula and project implementation through a series of meetings and best practices from targeted areas.

Get up to 10,000 €
for your blue project
Receive project mentorship and guidance
  • Introduce the public about your blue project on the SHORE platform

Schools supported by SHORE will be able to internationally share information about their funded projects via their profile at SHORE digital platform, an open-source virtual learning environment and education management system for Blue Skills Curricula and Ocean Literacy materials.

  • Receive “Ocean Ambassador of The Year” award

After each open call period, an online contest will be held at our digital platform to select the best school projects through a global, open for public competition. After the selection of the global winner, the school will be awarded as “Ocean Ambassador of The Year” and promoted as such via SHORE project website and social media.

Target Areas

The SHORE open calls cover 5 distinct regional areas.
Schools belonging to one of these areas can apply to receive funding.

Baltic Sea

Black Sea

Rhine River

Danube River

Mediterranean Sea

Target Areas

The SHORE open calls cover 5 distinct regional areas.
Schools belonging to one of these areas can apply to receive funding.

Baltic Sea

Black Sea

Rhine River

Danube River

Mediterranean Sea

SHORE Open Call #2


  • Submission (18 Sept. – 20 Nov .at 17:00 CET)
  • Evaluation & Selection (Nov. 2024 – Jan. 2025)
  • Contracting (Jan. 2025)
  • Schools Project Implementation (Feb. – July 2025)


Eligible topics

The SHORE – Open Call is open to proposals that address at least one topic and subtopic of the open call

  • Sea-based activities
  • Biodiversity
  • Hazardous substances and marine litter

  • Climate change

  • Sustainable use of water resources

Eligible activities

The SHORE – Open Call is open to proposals which include different types of activities aimed at primary and secondary schools’ students, teachers and/or parents of the school(s) concerned. Projects should include at least one of the following activities

• Workshops

• Meetings

• Trainings

• Exhibitions

• Conferences

• Meetntalks

• Competitions

• Virtual educational activities

• Field trips

• Local expeditions

• Technical trips

• Boat activities

• Virtual laboratories

• Laboratory trips

• Museum trips

• Technical field trips

• Laboratory testing and analysis of results

Who can apply

How to


Other requirements

Please take a look at the other requirements for your blue project

If you are a already a member that’s great, if not don’t worry, at the time of application you don’t have to be an accredited member. According to SHORE’s rules – schools applying for SHORE’s Open Calls should be accredited members of the European Network of Blue Schools or aspire to become a member and will demonstrate how they intend to meet the prerequisites to become accredited members by the time of completion of the project.

Do you cooperate with other blue schools? SHORE Open Call welcomes proposals submitted by schools which are open for collaboration/twinning (for instance, with other blue schools from the Network of European Blue Schools and those aspiring to become accredited members).

In the project proposal, please describe cooperation activities with other teachers and their students, designed to enable them the exchange of experiences, best practices and successful stories stemming from their blue projects and ocean literacy-driven actions.

SHORE – Open Call is open to schools whose proposal includes a commitment to the European Climate Pact, leading to decarbonisation or at least to carbon neutrality of the project and school activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Primary schools or Secondary schools up to ISCED level 3, commonly designated as upper secondary education. See a more detailed explanation here.

Schools which are accredited members of the European Network of Blue Schools at the time of application and provide certificate OR aspire to be members of the European Network of Blue Schools and will demonstrate how they intend to meet the prerequisites to become accredited members by the time of completion of the project.

The school should be legally registered and established in:

  • The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU)
  • Horizon Europe Associated Countries (check this link)

Additionally, it must be located in one out of five targeted regions of the SHORE Open Call – Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Rhine and Danube River Area.

Eligible Countries from each target area involve Contracting Parties according to respective conventions governing a specific region (click on the hyperlinked target areas):

  • Baltic Sea Area: Germany, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden, Finland;
  • Black Sea Area: Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, Türkiye;
  • Mediterranean Sea Area: Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Spain, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Türkiye;
  • Danube River Area: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine;
  • Rhine River Area: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands.

If the school is established in the country which is part of more than one target area (e.g., Austria is eligible both in the Rhine and Danube River Area), the applicant should select the area according to the focus and implementation location of their funded activities.

  1. Access the website page
  2. Read the document the SHORE Guidelines for applicants
  3. Start your online application at the F6S Platform:
  4. Submit your application.
SHORE Open Call 2 will receive applications by 20 November 2024, 5pm CET.
Each school can submit one application and only one project per school will be funded.
After application submission, editing is not possible. However, If the applicant discovers an error in the proposal and provided the call deadline has not passed, the applicant may request the SHORE – Open Call #2 team to re-submit the proposal (for this purpose please contact us at with a message titled: RESUBMISSION REQUEST). However, SHORE is not committed that resubmission in time will be feasible in case the request for resubmission is not received by the SHORE team at least 48 hours before the call deadline
If the school has applied and has been rejected in the previous open call, it can apply in the subsequent call, but it is mandatory to submit a different or corrected school project proposal and signal it as a resubmission.

If the school has applied and has been accepted in the previous open call, then it is not eligible to apply again since the school shall benefit from the financial support to third parties provided under SHORE project only once under one school – one funded project rule.

SHORE Open Call applicants should select at least one topic and subtopic of the open call according to the list proposed in the SHORE Guidelines for applicants.

Applicants are advised to select the most relevant topic and subtopic in line with their proposed activities and regional / local context, e.g., environmental challenges. In case more than one topic is relevant, applicants are encouraged to choose the one more suitable for proposed activities.

The list of the different types of activities for which a school may receive financial support to perform during implementation of the project is available in the SHORE Guidelines for applicants. The list is fixed and exhaustive, meaning no external additions by the applicant are allowed.

Applicants are advised to choose at least one activity from the list and describe it in the SHORE Proposal Template.

The cooperation can be established with schools from the Network of European Blue Schools and those aspiring to become accredited members of the Network of European Blue Schools.

To find suitable partners for cooperation/twinning, please refer to the  EU4Ocean Platform or eTwinning portal, (Community for schools in Europe for teachers to run on-site or online activities with their students along with colleagues from other European countries).

Yes, the cooperation can already be established, or schools can intend to establish cooperation during implementation of the project.

In SHORE Proposal Template, applicants are required to describe cooperation activities with other teachers and their students in the format of their choice (on-site or online activities), designed to enable them the exchange of experiences, best practices and successful stories stemming from their blue projects and ocean literacy-driven actions.

Twinning can include examples such as capacity building through knowledge sharing, enabling both partner schools to adopt best practices from each other, twinning visits, etc.

Please mention the specific actions your project will take to reduce the carbon footprint and other types of pollution (there is a question and space dedicated to carbon neutrality, as part of your online application form.

Commitment to Climate Pact Pledge is one of the important aspects of funded projects. Make sure your proposal explicitly mentions adherence to the European Climate Pact Pledge.

Selected school projects will last up to 6 months in total.

At the end of the project, the selected school will be required to submit a final report that outlines the activities undertaken in the project, the results achieved, and the lessons learned.

The total budget per project may not exceed €10,000. The total amount requested can not exceed 100% of the total project costs. The funds will be disbursed in a form of a lump sum.

Please summarise the expected project costs in SHORE Proposal Template.

At least 20% of the funded proposals must involve migrants or Ukrainian citizens under temporary protection in funded activities. If needed such proposals will be selected from lower ranked positions to meet this quota.

Schools shall benefit from the Financial Support to Third Parties provided under SHORE project only once.